Patharghata Ambulance Service 24/7 – Barguna & Dhaka
Patharghata Ambulance Service from Patharghata to Dhaka. We provide different types of Ambulance in all districts of Bangladesh. 24 Hours Ambulance is available. Enjoy Discount offers!
Ambulance service in Patharghata
Patharghata Ambulance Service
24 Hours Barisal ambulance service is available. We provide different types of ambulance services in all over Bangladesh. Provides different types of ambulance this: AC ambulance service, Non-Ac ambulance service, Freezing Ambulance service, and Basic Life support ICU, CCU, and NICU Ambulance Services are available with Doctors or Brothers. We are always ready to provide Emergency ambulance service in anywhere in any time. When you need an ambulance then just call us. We are always ready to provide emergency ambulance service.
Enjoy Discount on Online Booking from Dhaka to Patharghata Area
24 Hours Ambulance Service in Patharghata
24 Hours Ambulance Service is available in Patharghata, Barisal. The company is the largest and trusted company in Bangladesh. We provide different types of ambulance services in all districts of Bangladesh. 24ambulance company Provides Ac Ambulance service, Non-Ac ambulance service, Freezing ambulance service and ICU Ambulance service. We also provide Oxygen, Wheelchair, Streechar with Ac/ Non-Ac ambulance service and Will be Doctors or Brothers support with ICU, NICU, CCU & PICU ambulance service. 24 Hours Online ambulance service is available from anywhere in anytime. If you need then call us.
Emergency Service
24/7 Hours Ambulance service is available
Shikder Ambulance, Dhaka
Eskaton Rd, Dhaka – 1217
Tags of Ambulance Service
Ambulance Service, Ambulance Service in Dhaka, Emergency ambulance service in patharghata, Emergency ambulance service in Dhaka, Freezing ambulance, Freezing ambulance Service in Dhaka, Freezer ambulance service in Dhaka, Freezing ambulance service in Airport, Freezing ambulance service in Uttara, AC Ambulance Service in Dhaka, Ac ambulance service in the airport. If you see any person looking emergency ambulance service then Help him to give hour Helpline and say to call it.
Keywords of Ambulance Service
24 hours ambulance service in Dhaka, Patharghata ambulance service, Barguna Ambulance service, Kakchira ambulance service. Motbaria ambulance service, Bamna ambulance service. Emergency ambulance service, Online ambulance service is available from Dhaka to all districts of Bangladesh. When you need any types ambulance service then Just a is call is enough us.
বরগুনা এ্যাম্বুলেন্স সার্ভিস নাম্বার
শিকদার এ্যাম্বুলেন্স সার্ভিস
হাওলাদার এ্যাম্বুলেন্স সার্ভিস
অনলাইন এ্যাম্বুলেন্স সার্ভিস
Rental List of Ambulance Service
বরগুনা সদর হতে পাশ্ববতী এলাকা (সদর – ১৫ কি.মি.) = ১১০০/ ১২০০ টকা
বরগুনা সদর হতে পাশ্ববর্তী এলাকা (সদর – ২০ কি.মি) = ১৫০০/১৭০০ টাকা
বরিশাল টু বরগুনা, বরগুনা সদর – বরিশাল সদর = ৩৫০০ টাকা
বরগুনা টু ঢাকা সিটি = ১৪০০০ টাকা
ঢাকা টু বরগুনা সদর (+১০ কি.মি) নন এসি = ১৩০০০ টাকা
ঢাকা টু বরগুনা সদর (+১০/১৫ কি.মি) এসি এ্যাম্বুলেন্স = ১৪০০০ টাকা
বরিশাল – ঢাকা, ঢাকা – বরিশাল সদর = ১০,০০০ টাকা